N02-S08-01 01

Verification of the Content Composition of a Monothematic Set of Texts with the Theme of Shoah


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Milan MašátPalacký University Olomouc


In this paper, we present partial results of a quantitative research investigation aimed at verifying the content composition of a monothematic set of texts consisting of literary samples and other artistic memorabilia left by children and adolescents interned in the Terezín concentration camp. We focused primarily on various forms of literary records that were published in the secretly published Terezín magazine Vedem. The boys grouped around Valtr Eisinger in room L417 contributed to this periodical. In the presentation we will present selected results of the research conducted among pupils of all grades of the first grade of primary schools (over 400 of these respondents participated). It can be stated that the intended content of the anthology of Shoah-themed texts for the first grade of primary schools was verified based on the pupils´ answers in the questionnaires.

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      Estíbaliz Martín Ruiz

      Comentó el 21/11/2024 a las 21:13:03

      How can we effectively assess the thematic depth and consistency of content within a monothematic set of texts focused on the Shoah?

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