N07-S06-09 04

Visual Literacy in EFL: A Suggested Pedagogical Framework for Secondary Education in Spain


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Literacy in the 21st century is inherently visual. In our digitally mediated world, communication rarely relies solely on linguistic semiotic resources to convey meaning. Instead, images, both static and dynamic, collaborate with language to make meaning. Consequently, the concept of literacy, alongside global literacy curricula, is expanding to include multimodal meaning-making. Students are now expected to attain proficiency not only in the linguistic mode but also in visual, audio, gestural, and spatial modes, with multimodality being a combination of these various modes. Reflecting this shift (Walsh, 2006), Spain officially introduced the term multimodal text in the latest educational reform, as outlined in the Spanish Royal Decree 217/2022 which elaborates on the provisions of the Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29 (LOMLOE).

The purpose of this study is to present a visual literacy (VL) framework specifically designed for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning that integrates visual multimodal texts in the secondary school classroom. This framework offers a cohesive structure that encompasses lesson planning, teaching strategies, and assessment methods. It aims to provide teachers with a systematic approach to integrating visual multimodal literacy into their teaching practice.

Designed using backward lesson planning, the model is crafted to be flexible and adaptable across educational levels. It complies with the Spanish National Curriculum and encompasses several key components: competency standards (ACRL, 2011), Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (European Commission, 2019), Specific Competences for Foreign Languages (Royal Decree 217/2022), and Students’ Learning Outcomes (SLOs) embedded within the curriculum. The model places particular emphasis on fostering critical thinking, promoting social-emotional learning (SEL), encouraging students’ self-reflection on their learning processes, and enhancing cultural awareness.

Focusing on reading and composing visual multimodal texts, the implementation of a sample unit utilising this framework illustrates how to effectively integrate visual multimodal texts to develop both linguistic and communicative competences, incorporating pedagogical materials and multimodal assessment strategies. Drawing on the framework, the unit offers strategies aligned with Multiliteracies Pedagogy (New London Group, 1996), multimodality (Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2001), visual literacy, and Halliday’s (1978) social semiotics theory of communication.

In conclusion, the integration of visual multimodal literacy into Spain’s secondary education is no longer a call from researchers, scholars, and practitioners, but a legal imperative that must be implemented. This paper addresses this development by presenting a framework that enables educators to adapt to these educational advancements to systematically incorporate and fully exploit visual multimodal literacy in the EFL secondary classroom.

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      Isabel Sancha Piñeiro Sorondo

      Comentó el 23/11/2024 a las 04:25:58

      Your presentation was very clear and interesting.
      I would like to ask you what criteria you applied to orient students in the integration/structuring of writing and visual layout in the posters, and whether the writing included narrative that depicted socioemotional aspects of the students´ metacognitive evaluation at any point.
      Thank you.

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      Mónica Zamora Hernández

      Comentó el 22/11/2024 a las 23:09:44

      Felicidades. Su trabajo expone sugerencias muy precisas para la implementación de este marco.

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      Juan Manuel Castro Carracedo

      Comentó el 21/11/2024 a las 06:49:04

      Dear prof. Pascual,

      Thank you very much for your presentation, your study is very interesting and thought provoking.

      I would like to ask about the creation of final products by the students, the posters they finally made. Did they have difficulties in the elaboration of these multimodal and multidimensional materials they ended up creating? Was there a reflection on multimodality as a method to expressing effective messages in today's society? If you could give some more information about the students' performance, I would appreciate it.

      Congratulations on your study,
      Juan Manuel Castro

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        Victoria Pascual Bolívar

        Comentó el 21/11/2024 a las 11:01:27

        Dear Juan Manuel,

        Thanks for your interest.

        The students had more difficulties elaborating on the posters than the how-to-videos. This could be explained by students’ motivation (video producing is generally exciting) or by the poster's content, food waste, which was unfamiliar to them (experiencing the new). In fact, from a communicative perspective, the videos are quite well sequenced and elaborated, properly combining different semiotic modes, while the posters aren’t so well composed. The students didn’t consider using printed pictures or other materials (such as little 3D objects) for the posters. They were a bit poor regarding the use or combination of semiotic resources as the students only used their drawings and writings. However, the communicative goal of the posters was achieved as they suggested ways of fighting food waste visually. There was indeed a critical reflection on interpreting and expressing messages multimodally as part of the visual literacy instruction but limited to the group’s age (11-12 years old).


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